I go to a Mommy and Me group on Thursday mornings (since I'm off of work for the time being and need something to do). I met the founder of the group, IBCLC-certified (lactation consultant) Doris Christensen, when my daughter was only a few days old. I was having trouble breastfeeding, so we contacted her.
She is the main reason why I am still breastfeeding today. If you ever need advice or help about breastfeeding and babies, contact Doris: www.pump-n-go.com. She is a Godsend.
And I also couldn't have continued breastfeeding without the awesome support of my wonderful friends: Christy, Kathleen, Becky K., and Becky W. Seriously, who knew that breastfeeding was so difficult!? And who knew that you need some major support!? THANKS, friends!
Anyway, all this to say that Emma is growing slowly, but steadily. Since she turned 3 months old a few days ago, I thought some progression pictures would be nice. :)

0 Months (actually 10 days old)

One Month

Two Months

Three Months (she's really taken to staring at her feet!)

I can't believe how fast it's all going. My little lambie is already so grown up! How time flies...
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