
NaNoWriMo is coming! Are you game?

It's that time of year!  When leaves change color, the weather gets cooler, and people start wearing sweaters.  (Unless, of course, you're in Arizona and the weather is still 100 degrees in the middle of October. boo.)  But we all look forward to the holidays!

November is officially National Novel Writing Month.  Your goal: to write 50,000 words in one month (which equates to about 2,000 words/day...doable by that standard, right?).
There's no prize, just the satisfaction of finishing a novel.  :)

You can sign up here!

I skipped out last year because I was distracted (a.k.a. being pregnant), but I have successfully completed all 4 years before that. In fact, The Prophecy Box was a result of one of those years!  :)

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be able to make 50,000 words this year, due to working full time and taking care of a baby, so my goal is going to be different: write at least 30 minutes/day and finish my sequel.  If I hit 50,000 words, great...if not, no big.  At least I'll have written consistently.

I find that the discipline is better training for me than the end result.

If you do sign up, friend me: writergirl810.  :)  See you in November!

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